Developing a Questionnaire for Assessing Parental Involvement in Reading in Sultanate of Oman
Dr. Saif Nasser Saif ALazri
The aim of this study was to develop a reliability and validity instrument to assess Omani parents' involvement in reading. The items of the instrument were built from different recourses such as, literature rives, philosophy of educational system in Oman, in additional to Omani culture and the researchers; experience. 219 Omani parents participated in this study. A factor analysis was conducted and reveled two dimensions: the parents’ role in encouraging their children to read, and their role in modeling positive attitudes toward reading. The final draft of questionnaire of parental involvement in reading included 24 items that employed five Likert responses (5=very much/ 4= much/ 3= slightly/ 2= little/ 1= very little). The Alpha coefficients for this questionnaire ranged from .85 to .92, The Questionnaire ready for implementation.
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