Imam al-Kasaei's Grammatical Views in the Book "Objectivity in Issues of Disagreement Between the Basrian and the Kufists Grammarians by Al-Anbari" (513-577 A.H)
Dr. Omar Abdul Mu'tiAbd al-Wali al-Saudi
This study aims to examine the views of Imam Al-Kasaei, which were mentioned specifically in the book "Objectivity in Issues of disagreement between the Basrian and the Kufists Grammarians by Al-Anbari" despite his other grammatical views that are dispersed in linguistic books. The choice of his views, which were mentioned in this book is due to the fact that they were discussed and that Al-Anbari made them more objective, by increasing the area of evidence, proofs, and arguments on each issue, whether he refuted a view or supported another. This was concluded after investigating the grammatical issues presented in the book under study, and finding that they were thirteen issues, which I mentioned and presented the views related to each. It was found that these grammatical views have constituted a rich material in the linguistic domain, as the researcher revealed that there are many issues in which Kasaei' had a say or opinion, whether corresponding to Al-Kufa school , to which he belongs, or Al-Basra school, or if he has an opinion of his own . The study followed the descriptive and analytical approach in addressing Kasaei's grammatical views, and in some cases resorted to the normative approach. The study reached a number of results, the most prominent of which was that Al-Kasaei had his own grammatical views that differ from those of Basrian and the Kufists Grammarians, and this confirms that he did not strictly hold on to a specific view.
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