Macro-Level of Translation Pedagogy: A Case of the Libyan Academy, Benghazi
Ramadan Ahmed Elmgrab
The type of text reinforces certain stylistic formats and the contextual focus tends to emphasize certain patterns
more than others. Argumentative text type differs from other text types because the problem component begins at
a point where reader either challenges the writer with a conflicting view or with a question which elicits the
writer's point of view. This paper investigates how the study of translation macro-errors can enhance our
understanding of practical translation practice. The analysis is carried out at macro-level, aiming at investigating
whether or not the source text type and discourse parameters are represented in the two versions, English and
Arabic, i.e. whether or not these features are realized in the students' translations. The main purpose of the
analysis of the students' errors is to examine whether each text places different demands on the students; if so,
does their performance vary typologically? It is of interest to this study is the way different text-types place
different demands on the students and induce specific types and distribution of errors.
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