Code Switching in Interacting in Ulil Albaab Boarding School Environment (Sociolinguistics Study)
Baiq Yulia Kurnia Wahidah, Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A; Dr. Sri Marmanto, M.Hum
BAIQ YULIA KURNIA WAHIDAH. S111508023 (2017). Code switching In Interacting in Ulil Albaab
Boarding School environment. Sociolinguistic Study. Thesis. Advisors 1: Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A. Advisor 2:
Dr. Sri Marmanto, M.Hum. Linguistic Descriptive. Post graduate program of Linguistics of Sebelas Maret
University (UNS) Surakarta. This research aims to find out and describe the usage of code switching in four
domains and the code switching form is used in the Ulil Albaab boarding schools environment. This research also
discus about the factors that cause the code switching happened when interacts in the Ulil Albaab boarding
school environment. The data provision in this study is linguistic data from visual or audiovisual recording by
using taping and gathering method. The sources of the data are primary and secondary. Primary data is the
result of visual or audio visual recording of the communicating interaction and the secondary data is the result of
previous research review.In analysis, the data are utterances that contain three kind of code switching such as
metaphorical, conversational, and situational. Thereby, the three data of utterance in form of code switching are
the sign for the presence of code switching usage. The object of this study is interacting event that contains the
types of code switching and the factor causes the switching code happened. The results of this research was the
most usage of code switching founded in the domain of friendship was 138, the form of code switching most used
in all domains was conversational that was 75, the factor that caused the code switching happened was the
existence purpose of speaker to give better comprehension to listener. Due to these four domains, each of them
was using language variation; the dominance usage of language was Sasak 79. So, it can be concluded that in
interacting process, the usage of code switching in each domain was appropriated with language variation by
speaker, in order that the interaction gone well.
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