A Pedagogical Approach to Emancipate Second Language (L2) Learners and to develop Second Language Reading and Writing Skills
Ana Cristina Sanchez
This paper explores the benefits of using translation as an approach to develop micro and macro reading and
writing skills and to empower L2 learners. Since the sociocultural turn in translation studies in the 1990’s, many
scholars have started to re-examine the benefits of using translation to develop second language competency and
also as a tool to emancipate second language learners (L2). The benefits of translation in second language
learning are supported by many second language acquisition theories. The process of decoding and encoding a
source text to a target text can help L2 learners develop reading and writing competency by using micro and
macro skills through a bottom up and top down approach. At the same time, translation can be a tool to empower
and emancipate L2 learners as it gives them agency. The translation process requires the L2 learner to make
decisions as s/he attempts to transfer the ideas from one semiotic mode to another, from one natural language
and culture to another. Translation is a natural process that all language learners do consciously or
unconsciously as they try to use their background knowledge to understand and make sense of the target language
linguistic and cultural conventions. It is a natural, student-centered, creative, and emancipatory process that
facilitates language learning by using authentic and comprehensible input for language production.
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