International Journal of Language & Linguistics

ISSN 2374-8850 (Print), 2374-8869 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijll

The Impact of Interpersonal Communication Skills on Organizational Effectiveness and Social Self-Efficacy: A Synthesis
Ephraim Okoro, PhD; Melvin CWashington, PhD; Otis Thomas,PhD

This paper synthesizes the role and importance of interpersonal effectiveness and communication competence in organizational competitiveness. Several studies concluded that oral communication skills are critically significant in business education, and business school graduates are expected to develop this essential/soft skills competency in order to place themselves in a competitive advantage for employment opportunities. Recent institutional surveys consistently determined that interpersonal communication effectiveness contributes immensely to increased workforce performance and overall organizational productivity. Additionally, it improves hiring opportunities for business school graduates as well as facilitates rapid promotional advancements in the organization. The paper stresses the urgent need to make oral and written communication skills required in business education curriculum.

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