International Journal of Language & Linguistics

ISSN 2374-8850 (Print), 2374-8869 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijll

Language Awareness: Are Pre-Service English Teachers Aware of ‘Language Awareness’ and Its Implications?
Dr. Sezen Seymen Bilgin

The language awareness of teachers is defined as ‘the knowledge that teachers have of the underlying systems of the language that enables them to teach effectively’ (Thornbury, 1997: x). English language teacher education curriculum involves several courses which focus on the language which aims to improve language awareness. The question is whether pre-service teachers know and think about language awareness and more importantly, what it means to them. This paper aims to investigate the knowledge of pre-service English teachers about what Language Awareness entails in a Turkish state university. The overall approach is qualitative, drawing on interviews conducted with the pre-service teachers. The paper concludes with discussion of the scope pre-service teachers have on Language Awareness.

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