International Journal of Language & Linguistics

ISSN 2374-8850 (Print), 2374-8869 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijll

In Search of a Sustainable Training Model for Educational Interpreting – Stellenbosch University: A Case Study
Prof Harold M Lesch

Interpreting in the tertiary classroom is of a mixed type and mode. Even though it is described as educational interpreting,it is ‘primarily conference-type simultaneous-mode interpreting, but at times becomes liaison-type simultaneous-mode interpreting in interactive portions of the class’ (De Kock&Blaauw 2008:88). The various roles that are expected of the interpreter by the lecturer, student and the commissioner, as the initiator of the service, is demanding for the newcomer to the field. One should consequently guard against poorly recruited and trained educational interpreters and, ultimately, an inadequate service within the tertiary context, as it is highly critical (also towards the interpreting service). The nature of the context means that there is little room for trial and error, if any,in the face of highly critical academics or professionals-to-be. An adequate interpreting service should be installed, if not the interpreting service as a whole can be in jeopardise. I am of the opinion that in order to enhance the interpreting service, sufficient emphasis should be placed on adequate training of the interpreters, balancing interpreting methodology, and practice. An academically sound training model groundedin research-based training (see Pöchhacker 2010: 2-4)for better equipped educational interpreters should be the foundation, i.e. training that is underpinned by justified academic principles and that exceeds the master-apprentice training model. This article is the first step in exploring this direction.

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