Killing the Nightingale: Punjabi Language on the Altar
Dr. Shinder Purewal
The new elite of Pakistan exercised its hegemony with the privileged position given to Islam and Urdu. The scope of this paper is confined to problematic to thrust Urdu in East Pakistan and the Punjabi population. In the absence of any discussion, debate or dialogue on national language, the use of coercion against the Bengali population was preferred. Despite this, they refused to accept Urdu. The language identity became hegemonic in East Pakistan over religious identity. In Punjab, however, formation of consent worked in favor of Urdu. Urdu was in use during British raj and it continued uninterrupted under the new regime. It does not mean Urdu acceptance was universal among Punjabis. Resistance to Urdu developed in major urban centers but it has remained confined to intelligentsia and small groups. The use of coercion against Punjabis was milder compared with brutal oppression of Bengalis. Punjabi domination of military-bureaucratic state has created a false sense of superiority in Punjab. The Punjabi establishment has also identified with Urdu to assume the role of national hegemon.
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