Vol. 3, No. 6; December 2016

Table of Contents
The Effect of Language Ideologies on the Canadian Shift: Evidence from /æ/ in Vancouver, BC and Seattle, WA
Julia Thomas Swan, Ph.D.
Abstract Full Text
Opening the Black Box: Collecting and Using Student Feedback to Guide and Improve Instruction
Lamiaa S. Youssef, Ed.D.
Abstract Full Text
A Reflection on the Use of Argumentative Operators in the Mafalda's Comic Strips Character
Miranilde Oliveira Neves, Mairan Oliveira Neves
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Reading and Appreciation of Don Quixote in a Spanish-as-a-Foreign-Language Class
Sara Torres Servín, Sara Torres Servín
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Quantifying Lexico-Semantic Complexity in Academic Writing with Complexana
Christoph Haase
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The Efficacy of Comprehensive Corrective Feedback in Improving Grammatical Accuracy of EFL Learners’ Writing
Pariyanto, Bambang Yudi Cahyono
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Developing an Anxiety in Vocabulary Learning through Listening Scale
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sangrawee Donkaewbua
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Imagining the “other” – The Representation of the African Migrant in Contemporary South African Literature
Dr. Sandra Saayman
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Utilizing Learning Styles in EFL Teaching
Dr. Mazeegha Ahmed Al Tale'
Abstract Full Text
An Analysis of Culture-Related Content in English Textbooks for Iranian Students Entitled ‘Prospect’ and ‘Vision’ Series
Parviz Ajideh PhD, Malek Panahi
Abstract Full Text